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the vast majority of Lepidopterous pests of
field crops, rice and vegetables the most appropriate
trapping device is the AgriSense Funnel Trap.
Certain smaller moths, primarily Tortricids
(tortrix moths and leaf rollers), Gelechids,
like pink bolIworm and potato tuber moth and
Plutellids, such as diamond back moth are usually
caught using the more sensitive Easiset Delta
Traps. However, in areas where dust is a
problem, funnel traps may be preferable for
these smaller species even though they may be
somewhat less effective. |
Delta Traps are effective
for many Noctuids too, although due to the size
of these moths, Funnel Traps are more appropriate
particularly when large populations are present
and the sticky boards of Delta Traps become
rapidly covered. Delta Traps are also appropriate
for monitoring the effectiveness of mating disruption
treatments against moth pests. Insects are only
caught when the treatment loses effect, while the
treatment is working no moths are caught.
economical variant of the Delta Trap is the
Trident Trap, which is specifically used
for monitoring pink bollworm in cotton. The Trident
Trap is a waxed-card delta trap, ready glued on
3 internal sides.
For information on trap selection please see Technical